Thursday 11 July 2013


Images copyright D.C .THOMSON & Co., Ltd

The above book is one a friend obtained from a charity shop recently for a pound or two.  He then discovered he already had a copy (also obtained from a charity shop) so he passed it on to me.  If you don't have this collectors' item classic in your possession, I'd heartily advise that you try and track one down as it's an absolute hoot - very, very funny indeed.  I'd show you more pages, but I don't want to spoil the thrill of enjoyment you'll experience when you sit down to read your own copy for yourselves.

Can't find a copyright date within, so I don't know the year it was published.  Never mind though - if you're determined enough, I'm sure you'll be able to find one on eBay (or even a charity shop) in no time.  Well, what're you waiting for?  Get hunting!


TwoHeadedBoy said...

It's a truly great book - BSK annuals are always great, but Mike Pearse is what I'd call a "comedy genius" without hesitation. Him and Kev Sutherland seem to have reinvented the kids over the last decade, giving them all more distinct personalities (Spotty especially!).

Didn't realise there was a 2010 collection though, I'll have to find that!

Kid said...

I'll be keeping an eye out for it myself, THB.

Kid said...

I removed a few comments prior to THB's, which said that it was the 2009 book, but apparently it's actually the 2010 book, so if there was one for 2009, then that's the one you're looking for, THB.

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