Tuesday 22 September 2015


Copyright BBC TV and the Estate of TERRY NATION

Just because I love it.  Isn't it a belter?  Yeah, I knew you'd agree.

A similar internal image


  1. Probably my all time favourite UK annual....EVER!!

  2. Too many for me too list, JP. I couldn't tie it down to only one.

  3. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-sYqUnSUY3yA/TsZruCGekMI/AAAAAAAAIC0/wn_mKMx7JJg/s1600/lot+154.jpg
    Ever seen the original artwork, Kid?

  4. That's not the original artwork for the Annual cover, JP, but it looks similar. Perhaps it's the art for an interior page (in one of the Annuals) which resembles the cover.

  5. Yup, just checked - it's an inside page, with the explosion from the Dalek's gun enclosing the book's title on the facing page.

  6. http://firstdoctorcostume.blogspot.co.uk/2015/06/bonhams-auction-archive-dalekmania.html?m=1
    Well, according to this blog, it's the original preliminary drawing of the Dalek for the original cover artwork.
    Anyway, thought you might be interested.

  7. It may well be the original preliminary drawing, JP, I'm not disputing that - but they used it inside the Annual. I'll add the image to this post for you to see, so refresh the page in a few minutes. The Annual cover is a completely different piece of art, the original of which was published in the Marvel Daleks Special a couple or so years back. I showed it in the blog at the time.

  8. Took a look at the link, JP - I'd guess that they're assuming it's a preliminary drawing because of the similarity, not having seen inside the Annual. Preliminary drawings are seldom so detailed unless the artist's name is Frank Hampson. It sure looks like a finished piece of artwork to me.

  9. And now you show the two pages side by side I do actually remember it! It's been so long since I actually saw inside the annual!
    And there I was thinking I'd found something you hadn't seen before! I should have known better! ( ha, ha! )
    Anyway, a bit of Dalek news for you, I'm working on something with Iain ( Dalekomix ) that no-one will ever seen before and as soon as it goes on the forum, I'll send it to you as well. I think you may be interested!
    'Nuff said!

  10. Ooh, I'll look forward to that, JP - ta much.

  11. https://files.acrobat.com/a/preview/ee86aef0-ceea-4557-963e-6bc3c27d83b0
    In the meantime, you might like....

  12. JP, I'm assuming, in the absence of you asking me NOT to publish this, that it's okay to print. Let me know if it isn't.

    1. You've got Iain's blessing, Kid and anyone who wants to download the pdf can do so with a click!

  13. Clickety-click. Good lads.


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